When Positioning A Hemiplegic Patient In The Supported Fowler’S

When positioning a hemiplegic patient in the supported Fowler’s position, it is crucial to consider their specific needs and limitations. This position offers numerous benefits, including improved respiratory function, reduced risk of pressure sores, and enhanced comfort. Understanding the proper positioning technique, necessary equipment, and nursing considerations is essential for ensuring patient safety and well-being.

Supported Fowler’s Position for Hemiplegic Patients

When positioning a hemiplegic patient in the supported fowler's

The supported Fowler’s position is a therapeutic positioning technique used to improve respiratory function, reduce pressure on the sacrum, and promote comfort in hemiplegic patients.

Definition and Purpose

The supported Fowler’s position involves elevating the patient’s head and trunk to a 30- to 45-degree angle while providing support for the affected extremities.

Benefits of using this position include:

  • Improved lung expansion and oxygenation
  • Reduced risk of pressure ulcers
  • Increased comfort and relaxation

Positioning Procedure, When positioning a hemiplegic patient in the supported fowler’s

  1. Assist the patient to a sitting position at the edge of the bed.
  2. Place pillows behind the patient’s back and head to support the affected side.
  3. Position a rolled towel or blanket under the affected arm for support.
  4. Elevate the patient’s legs on a footrest or pillows.
  5. Monitor the patient for comfort and make adjustments as needed.

Special Considerations:For patients with severe hemiplegia, additional support may be required using a sling or trapeze.

Equipment and Materials

  • Pillows
  • Rolled towel or blanket
  • Footrest (optional)
  • Sling or trapeze (for patients with severe hemiplegia)

Nursing Considerations

  • Monitor the patient’s respiratory status and skin integrity.
  • Ensure the patient is comfortable and well-supported.
  • Check the patient’s position every 2 hours and make adjustments as needed.
  • Be aware of potential complications, such as respiratory distress or pressure ulcers.


Document the following information:

  • Patient’s position
  • Support provided
  • Patient’s comfort level
  • Any complications or adjustments

Additional Information

For further information on the supported Fowler’s position for hemiplegic patients, refer to the following resources:

Answers to Common Questions: When Positioning A Hemiplegic Patient In The Supported Fowler’s

What is the purpose of the supported Fowler’s position?

The supported Fowler’s position helps improve respiratory function, reduces the risk of pressure sores, and enhances patient comfort.

What equipment is necessary for positioning a hemiplegic patient in the supported Fowler’s position?

Necessary equipment includes a supportive backrest, pillows, and a footrest.

What are the nursing considerations when positioning a hemiplegic patient in the supported Fowler’s position?

Nursing considerations include monitoring vital signs, ensuring patient comfort, and preventing complications such as pressure sores and respiratory distress.